New collection - Flux & Flow

The process of creating this collection began with a simple question: how do organic shapes mirror our inner landscapes? Working in black and white stripped away the distraction of color, forcing focus onto the essential elements - form, texture, and the spaces in between.

Each piece started as an exploration of natural movement or organic growth. Sometimes it felt ethereal; other times more botanical. My favourite pieces are a fusion of the two. The work became an exploration of contrast - not just in terms of light and dark, but in how structure meets fluidity, how control meets release.

Working with AI & Photoshop I have created organic forms, these opened up unexpected conversations with the materials. I continue the study in pencil & Ink - the work continues to flow unfurl. There's something honest about letting the process unfold and the materials to behave naturally, about finding the balance between guiding them and letting them speak for themselves.

The collection evolved into a study of transitions - those moments where one form flows into another, where sharp edges dissolve into shadow, where patterns emerge from chaos. It's these in-between spaces that feel most true to life - rarely are things as clear-cut as we imagine them to be.

These pieces invite you to find their own meaning in the forms. Some might see cellular structures, others cosmic patterns, or perhaps landscapes viewed from above. That's the beauty of abstract work - it creates space for personal interpretation while remaining grounded in universal patterns of nature.

Currently prints limited to 10 per size. Originals will be added as they reach completion.


Feel the fear & do it anyway?